Thursday, June 20, 2013

Day 11 - Almost done and short break

South Lake Tahoe is my last official stop before I'm heading home. Tomorrow and Saturday I will be wake boarding and, the best part of wake boarding: No cell phone coverage and no wifi!

So, this is the end of the road trip coverage. It's been fun. Amazing. Wonderful. I feel blessed to be able to live in a country with such an abundance of beautiful nature. I don't think I'll ever have to leave the country again because there's enough to see for multiple lifetimes. The Tetons. Majestic, power and peaceful at the same time. Calling them "Big Tits" just doesn't seem to be right. The Rocky Mountains, the desert, beautiful lakes, rivers, forests, blue skies, starry skies, redwoods, the Pacific Ocean, nature that makes St. Peter and the Colosseum look like recently built. I'll never say that the US doesn't have much history, anymore. It's just not written down in words that men can read. But it's all there. For everyone to see and understand. 

And people. I've met the sweetest people during my trip. They made me feel as if was a friend, not a guest. The most fiercely looking bikers turned out to be the nicest and caring gentlemen, colleagues who turned out to be the awesome private person I always expected them to be. Parents of friends who made me feel loved and part of a family even though my family is thousands of miles away (and I do love and miss them more than anything!), strangers who made me feel like a friend for a short time. I must say that, as a German, I've never felt as welcomed and appreciated, loved and unconditionally accepted in any other foreign country. It might be different for other nationalities but, the people I've met wouldn't have cared. They were just perfectly sweet and welcoming. 

And, speaking of perfectly sweet. My bike has been one of the most awesome travel companions I've ever had! No trouble, just fun, patience, and unlimited awesomeness! I can't wait to take her on the next trip!

Thank you all for making this trip such a treasured and sweet memory! 

And thanks to everyone who followed me. I hope it wasn't too boring. No drama, sex, action, sports. Just a few days of seeing the world through my eyes. I promise, there will be more trips. I haven't seen enough of this country yet! And neither has "Fury".

Eva and "Fury", the most awesome bike ever.

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